SENT – transport of goods subject to monitoring

SENT – tax consulting

The Act of 9 March 2017 on the monitoring system for road and rail transport of goods and trade in heating fuels imposes an obligation on entities transporting “sensitive” goods, including engine fuels, biodiesel, lubricating oils, diluents, denatured alcohols, vegetable oils, solvents, dried tobacco, to and through the territory of Poland, to report such transport to electronic register and to keep it updated. Unfortunately, violation of the act’s provisions is associated with very high penalties, both for entrepreneurs and for drivers.


Our specialties

Scope of SENT services

BTLA assists fuel companies and others, which are obliged by the act on SENT, in

      Proper fulfillment of duties to avoid heavy fines

      Participate in ongoing proceedings by tax administration authorities

      Solutions to problems that have already arisen

      Representation in misdemeanor cases