Economic criminal law
Legal assistance in economic criminal cases
Economic criminal law is a series of legal norms that aim to protect certainty of economic turnover. It is thereby concerned with maximum protection of participants in such trading, so that they have no fear of investing in country.
In days of ever expanding and gaining momentum in the market economy, criminal laws aiming at the protection of economic turnover are of particularly strong importance. People who are involved in business transactions daily should have basic knowledge of these regulations. For example, it is worth mentioning the crime of fraud under Article 286 of the Criminal Code, which more and more often affects entrepreneurs who find dishonest business partners.
Economic criminal law
Many people are not aware of the fact that their actions (often performed for years), may bear the hallmarks of a criminal offence. This shows how important the economic criminal law is in today’s world. Therefore, before undertaking certain economic operations, it is worth thinking twice about the criminal implications they may have. With this in mind, BTLA provides training for members of management in the knowledge of basic criminal business law. It is also worth remembering that for certain economic crimes, not only individuals but also collective entities are subject to criminal liability. If the changes envisaged in the Act on Liability of Collective Entities for Prohibited Acts come into force, it will mean a real revolution in the scope of such liability.